The Vision
In Alberta Canada, the City of Spruce Grove strives to be on the forefront of technology and innovation to keep Spruce Grove one-step ahead of the rest. Their vision statement reads, “The City of Spruce Grove is committed to the values, attitudes and quality amenities that make our city “The Community of Choice.”

The Business Challenge
Nearing the end of 2007, the City had undergone an amazing increase in development. With this development came the need to expand their telecommunications system. Previously, the City was using an older Mitel platform – which they had upgraded three years earlier and maintained their digital phones instead of implementing IP phones. In order to accommodate their recent growth, a Sales Representative with a TAMCO Partner suggested that the city look into new technology. However, the older digital phones were not compatible with the new system they were contemplating. Approaching the end of the year, the city did not have enough capital for the additional phones needed let alone an entirely new system. They were disinterested in making additional investments in an older system and were concerned about the pace at which technology changes and how this will affect their needs in the future. In addition, maintenance and support were also critical for the City as they wanted to ensure that their new system would always be functioning properly and if a problem were to arise, it would be responded to and corrected in a timely manner. The city was faced with a decision:

Decision 1:

  • Add 30 digital phones to an older system
  • Existing system did not really meet their needs
  • Limited capital budget for remainder of the year
  • 30 digital phones will not migrate to newer platforms in the future

Decision 2:

  • Implement a new system
  • No capital budget
  • Must accommodate growth this year
  • Flexibility to utilize new technologies

The Solution
A “win-win” solution was proposed that addressed the technology issue, but it also solved their business and financial needs. Turns out that TAMCO could help them acquire “top of the line” technology that would meet their needs today and prepare them for the future as well.

By utilizing the unique TAMCO Shield program, the City’s budget constraints are pretty much irrelevant. Why? Shield is an operating lease and therefore allows the City to take advantage of a monthly ‘operating expense’ instead of a large capital outlay or having to use a capital lease and show it on their books. The City Council was now in a position to approve the operating budget for the next calendar year. In addition, the City has peace of mind knowing that Shield’s System Replacement Guarantee allows them to move into new technology without financial penalty should their needs change or if technology changes.

Glen Jarbeau, Finance Manager for the City, remarked, “We needed to change our mindset about communications to understand that it is not a onetime investment, but that it is a system continually evolving. The City viewed the Shield program as a tool verses a capital expense and with the flexibility to take advantage of new features and capabilities into the future. The technology solution and the Shield program made sense and fit very well together.”

Director of Information Services for the City of Spruce Grove, Gerry McCarthy, was an integral part of the City’s new solution. His department has required a technology upgrade three times within the last eight years. He was thrilled that Shield could provide him with the ability to meet the needs of his internal customers (City employees) by leveraging new technology and at the same time, giving him the confidence that his department will always be able to stay up-to-date with technologies in the future.

The TAMCO Shield program is a total solution that scores a home run for everyone at the City of Spruce Grove and better yet – now they can continue to adhere to their vision of value, attitude, and quality amenities that make them “The Community of Choice”.